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Professor Mona Eskandari (University of California, Riverside, USA)


Professor Mona Eskandari (University of California, Riverside, USA)<br><br>07.09.2023

Thursday, September 7th at 15:00 we will have another edition of the Seminar „Between physics, biology and medicine”. The speaker will be Prof. Mona Eskandari, Ph.D. (University of California, Riverside, USA) who will give a talk titled “What are the Physics and Mechanics of a Simple Breath?”

The seminar will be available online on the Zoom platform:
Zoom meeting link

Meeting ID: 891 3620 7558
Access code: 7RUr05


Professor Mona Eskandari, Ph.D. leads the bMECH lab at the University of California Riverside USA. She focuses on experimental characterization and computational modeling, aiming to inaugurate novel avenues for diagnostic techniques and optimize strategies for medical intervention of lung disease. She received her doctoral and post-doctoral training at Stanford University and the University of California Berkeley, and has been recognized with several international and national awards and fellowships for her innovative research.