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Carl von Gall, MD (Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, USA)


Carl von Gall, MD (Siemens Medical Solutions, Knoxville, USA)<br><br>14.09.2023

Zapraszamy na seminarium, które odbędzie się w dniu 14 września 2023 r. (czwartek, wyjątkowo) o godz. 15.30 wyjątkowo w sali B-2-50. Prelegent: Carl von Gall. Temat seminarium: "Medical Imaging: Do we see it all?".


Carl is German board-certified nuclear physician with additional training in haemato-oncology and emergency medicine. After receiving his medical degree from Heidelberg University, and his doctorate degree for his research at the Cancer Research Center DKFZ Heidelberg on kinetic modelling, Carl served as a resident physician at the University Hospital Heidelberg and Erlangen.

Carl joined Siemens Medical Solutions in 2015 and was instrumental in product translation of AutoID and expansion of functionalities e.g., tumor burden. He actively advices the research team to develop clinically relevant prototypes, supporting and consulting PETNET with his clinical expertise in radiopharmaceuticals as well as the planning and execution of a phase 0 (completed) and phase 1 (in progress) clinical trials.

Carl is currently part of the Product Management team in Knoxville TN.

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